If you need a great ftp program, FileZilla is working for me just fine. I'd heard of it years ago, but was already using Ipswitch with no problems. Since then, I've changed hard drives a few times, rebuilt a few computers, and long story short, I needed some ftp software for my newest computer.
After a predictable search for free stuff on CNET, I learned that FileZilla was still king of the hill in that category. After downloading it and using it on my main computer, I also installed it on my secondary computer where I do most of my graphic design. This saves me from having to transfer those files to my main computer to upload to my sites.
Frequently it seems ftp programs are described as useful for uploads to YouTube and other sites, which I honestly don't understand, since those sites have their own systems for uploading. Regardless, I only use ftp to upload files into directories of sites I've built on my server. FileZilla is free, yet has all the elements found in other programs costing $49. I definitely recommend it.
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