This is yet another client who came to us with an existing website that was of little use. In fact, it ranked... wait for it... #57!
As of writing this post, it now ranks #6 for "Ontario security company", a major leap from obscurity to top-10, and the owner is thrilled. Actually, the goal was to get it ranking in the top-10 for "Peterborough" security guard terms, so we ended up doing far better than planned.
Maxama Protection provides
security guards in Peterborough, as well as vehicle patrols and
alarm response throughout central Ontario. The basis of the redesign was focusing the site on these three fundamental services they offer.
The site was good looking, it had a simple and consistent layout in the company's colors of black and teal. Looks weren't the problem, even if most of the photos were too small and there were some stock images that seemed out of place.
But just about everything to do with SEO was awry.
There was a 1990s-style "splash" page, pointless and bearing no content except the company logo. Every page had the same uninspiring title, "Maxama Protection Inc" and same description. Not a single link was formatted properly. Body text was scarce, and what existed wasn't optimized for either marketing or SEO advantage.
The single biggest improvement for this site was the addition of a huge amount of meaningful copywriting. All pages were expanded to include lots of body text and bigger, better pictures. The content was lacking basic sales elements, such as stressing the 30-year history of the company, and listing the key benefits of what they do for clients. The company address and phone numbers were added to every page, instead of being hidden away on a separate "Contact" page.
As well, a map was added to the home page showing where the company operates, something visitors/clients immediately need to know. Links, photos, and headlines were given proper tags. The css was cleaned. All the code was simplified and clarified. Server files were added to strip the site of the "www", designate an error page, and other back-end basics.
Another successful website redesign, and one very happy client!