Although the Snowden/NSA/Prism leaks fall in line with things I'd normally tweet about, in this case I decided to keep my own to a minimum because of the predictable flood that would come due to the magnitude of the issue. I posted a total of 12 tweets over the last two weeks of June, starting the day of the first leak, linking to the original story.
June 06
Serious concerns: either the U.S. gov't hacked computers secretly, or the companies are lying (Guardian article)
June 08
So many questions about U.S. hoarding data on innocent people, but we do know only a few senators saw this coming, the rest were too stupid.
June 09
Your government has enough info about you to successfully frame you for any crime, anywhere, any time. Have a nice weekend.
June 13
Once again, a key point missing from the NSA story is that databases get stolen. Huge danger when gov'ts compile data about innocent people.
June 15
Demand senator Lindsey Graham's email passwords, lol. He talks a mean game, now can he walk the talk? -
June 16
In case you missed it... The (supposed) PRISM logo used by the U.S. gov't is a stolen photo, lol -
I wonder how many people in positions like Ed Snowden just keep their mouths shut and sell data to criminals and other countries.
Dear NSA: sounds like the terrorists have already won. They've got you spying on your own innocent citizens and lying about it under oath.
So... thousands of NSA "employees" (incl. subcontractors) CAN listen to phone calls any time they want, no warrant -
June 17
The world is right to be mad at the US, but don't lose site of the cyber criminals still stealing credit cards, identities, etc. Be safe.
June 28
NSA says anyone using encryption is suspicious. Which means lawyers/doctors/accountants using secure email with clients are terror suspects!
June 29
Next NSA trick? Since terrorists can write letters, the NSA will pretty much have to start opening, copying, and resealing all postal mail.